Sunday, May 13, 2012

My First Mother's Day

Last year I was pregnant for Mother's Day, but I still counted myself as a mother. That's the interesting thing about having kids. From the moment you find out your pregnant, they become the most important part of your life int the most amazing way possible. This morning my day started with breakfast in bed, but not breakfast for me! Kyle got up and got Abby up, got her bottle, and brought her to hand out in bed with me while she fed herself her morning bottle. (I CANNOT believe how big she's getting!) I was then presented with another tech accessory for Mother's Day to make sure that I protected my new iPad in style!
It's perfect! With a chic black and white cover and a coral red inside with slots for business cards and small papers! So much more than just a cover, but a functional cover! LOVING it!!

After that Kyle made a Dunkin Donuts run and returned with coffee and donuts! YAY! This was followed by bacon and eggs while I ate my breakfast with Dablet!

As if my morning needed to get any better, Fairy Godmommy sent me a text with a picture of her Mother's Day gift from her hubby. It was a beautiful boquet of flowers with a certificate entitling her to a round trip ticket to come visit her god daughter in NC! (oh, and some shopping $$ for our excursions!) I was SOOO excited!
Softball brought two losses (not the greatest, but we were missing people) and I may need to go get an x-ray of my hand later this week. I took a BAD hop of a ball hit VERY hard to me at 2nd right at the base of my thumb on my right hand. As if that wasn't enough, I later got a bad hop to the chest. Tonight will DEFINITELY include a nice bath with some Lush Products!
Speaking of Lush Products...we have some giveaway winners!
For our Twitter followers we are giving away a Serenity Gift Box, and for Facebook we are doing 3 bath bombs! The winners are.....
Twitter: @gidgetmel09
Facebook: I got a kick out of this's one of my former Professors Dr. Weyler! Hopefully she doesn't cringe over the grammar of my blog!
Congratulations to you both!

To all of the mamas and mamas to be out there...Happy Mother's Day! Make sure to take an extra moment for you!! Coming up this week I'm going to reveal the preliminary color choices for our painting project of the home makeover, show you our new hardwoods, and some recent accent purchases! There is A LOT going on over here so hold on for the ride!!
Until Next Time


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