Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Some Exciting News!

Over the past few weeks I have been busting my booty pulling together what (at times) feels like a million different projects! Of course, they all fall together at the same time which means they all require the same start-up love and attention at the same time. Social media has become an essential part of life, and I have recently added the icons representing Olioboard and Instagram to my "Let's Chat" section to integrate all facets of my style, design love, and personal taste. In building a brand based on design, whether it be graphics, interiors, or events, the brand people "buy into" is the person behind the brand. That's me! (scary huh?)
Coming soon I will be adding a new icon to my right side navigation that will look a little bit like this:

Do you recognize the font of that "E"? That's Etsy people!! Isn't font recognition fabulous?!?!
One of my projects has been building "ready to go" designs for note cards, invitations, announcements, and all other types of printed products! Print and graphic design were my starting places for this expansion to the brand of Dabble in Chic. I have always believed that custom print should not be something that breaks your bank. Custom wedding sets should not cost more than your wedding dress, never mind the food you feed your guests! While I will start the shop with the designs we have ready to go, they will hopefully serve as a "face" for the type of work we can do and get everyone's creative juices flowing for their own graphic ideas! 
I could not do this without a great support system and some phenomenal people who let me bounce all of my whacky ideas off of them! What tied this all together for me was and idea from Leslie Carothers who is the social media guru for Olioboard (as well as others!). She recently tweeted that Olioboard would be a fabulous way for Etsy stores to create virtual showrooms of their products. YES!!!! I mean, what girl designer doesn't dream of having a little niche boutique store of her own, and now I can create one virtually with some design to it! Best part: Because Olioboard links all products to the Moodboards, viewers can shop directly generating more traffic and more sales!
Anyone who tries to say connecting your social networks won't increase your revenue needs to have another cup of coffee!
Back to work!!



  1. Love it Kate! So funny, I was actually just telling a friend of mine who's an upholsterer the same thing, trying to encourage her to use olioboard in the same manner with an Etsy shop. I'm going to send her your link for more encouragement to do so. Love your blog and your talent, and wish loads of success on this new venture! ;0) OlioLove, Ronda (aka asite2behold on olioboard)
